ASCA Ch. Navarro's Drop the Hammer STDs
D.O.B. 8/20/2019
OFA Excellent/elbows normal
CERF clear/no notations
PHA negative
PawPrints panel clear except MDR1 N/M
Scissors bite/full dentition

Sly is from our recent Rhett x Petal cross and along with his sister, Kimber, has proven that his "keeper" status was well-deserved! Easily finishing his ASCA championship with all majors and nothing less than RWD in all 4 weekends shown, he is also excelling in the stock arena with his co-owner and second mom, Terri Jones, of Sheepcamp Stockdog training.
Sly is moderate but very masculine with an extremely sound front, good rear, level topline and ground covering (but not extreme) side gait. He has tremendous performance drive and is actively working in nose work and herding with an eye towards a WTCH in the future!
Sly is offered at stud to a limited number of approved bitches- please contact us for a stud packet.